Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Month Four

So I know you are all wondering what I gave up for month four. I decided that I would not drive my car. On a day like today I certainly miss it. It has rained all day and some think I am hardcore to do that but does weather let up on poverty? Does the hot sun not beat down on that African mother with her baby strapped to her back and that heavy jug of water on her head? Can that small child take a break from begging in the streets when it's pouring rain? The other day as I was walking to work it dawned on me that  in most third world countries they have already been up for three hours. They have probably walked miles to gather the water supply for the day by the time I even wake up. So I figured it was a small sacrifice to walk in strong winds or pouring rains. The money saved this month will be donated to help someone in  Rwanda start up a small business loan with Hope International. $100 can provide a first loan for a client. $500 can fully fund a business with capital, counselling and training. This month live58 is aiming to raise enough funds to help 100 business in Rwanda. They are about halfway there. An anonymous donor has agreed to match our donations. So if you are inclined to give something up this month look at investing in this business venture. Donations accepted to the end of the month at live58.org.

 These are the images I thought of when I was first started walking to work. These were taken in Uganda.

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